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PLA starts live-fire drills near Taiwan

China yesterday fired several Dongfeng ballistic missiles as it began four days of unprecedented military drills off Taiwan proper following US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taipei the previous day.

On Tuesday, Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi (王毅) said Beijing would “take all necessary measures” in retaliation should Pelosi visit Taiwan during her Asia tour.


‘US stands with Taiwan,’ Pelosi says

President Tsai Ing-wen, right, listens as US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks during their meeting at the Presidential Office in Taipei yesterday.

US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi yesterday said that her delegation traveled to Taipei to make it “unequivocally clear” that the US stands with Taiwan and is proud of the two sides’ enduring friendship.

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) in the morning received the delegation at the Presidential Office in Taipei, where she awarded Pelosi the Order of Propitious Clouds with Special Grand Cordon in recognition of her long-term support and contributions to the Taiwan-US relationship.


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President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) “honeymoon” period is ending, the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation said yesterday, citing its latest poll, which found a drop of nearly 20 percentage points in Tsai’s approval rating since her inauguration on May 20.

The telephone-based survey showed that 52.3 percent of respondents expressed satisfaction with Tsai’s handling of national matters, a 17.6 percentage point decline from three months ago.