Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Go! Go! Go!
A selection of links that are all related to Taiwan.
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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   A-gu's Blog
That's Impossible! Politics from Taiwan
With your unpaid host, A-gu (阿牛)
2   Link   The Shifting Sands of Xinjiang
The Time magazine published in their October 19th 2009 issue's "Photo Essay" section the works of Japanese photographer/journalist Q. Sakamaki about lives in East Turkestan (Xinjiang). Interestingly, the on-line link has even more photos than the paper/hard copy magazine.
3   Link   The View from Taiwan
Michael Turton
4   Link   The Far-Eastern Sweet Potato - J. Michael Cole
Based out of the Far-East, this blog is about Asia, politics, international relations, security issues, literature, history, the humanities and everything else in between.
5   Link   Taiwan Matters!
A group blog on politics in Taiwan. "Taiwan is not a province of China. The PRC flag has never flown over Taiwan." Stick that in your clipboards and paste it, you so-called "lazy journalists"!
6   Link   It's Not Democracy, It's A Conspiracy!
About the Blogmaster: Tim Maddog was abducted by aliens several years ago and is now secretly blogging from an island where even the local media doesn't know its name. More...
7   Link   Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner
Michael Richardson is a freelance journalist and independent political consultant. Richardson writes about progressive issues, politics and election law. Richardson is also working on a book about the FBI and the Black Panthers.
8   Link   Jerome F. Keating's writings
Jerome F. Keating is an educator, trainer, consultant and writer who currently lives in Taipei Taiwan. More on his Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/jeromekeating.
9   Link   Taiwan, The Country
Created by Professor Jeff Tsay of the University of Texas at Arlington Accounting Department. It has a good collection of information related to the February 28th Massacre in 1947, under the link titled The February 28 Holocaust.
10   Link   “28 February 1947”
Created in the 60th commemoration of the February 28th Massacre of 1947 in 2007. It has a link for free download and reading of the tome written by the late George H. Kerr, Formosa Betrayed.
11   Link   Taiwan’s 400 years of history
A nice summary of important events of Taiwan’s history from pre-1600’s to present.
12   Link   New Taiwan, Ilha Formosa
All kinds of information on Taiwan, from the past to the present.
13   Link   Massacre in March 1947 Taiwan
Blog of Dr. Margaret K. Lu voicing justice for those murdered in the February 28th of 1947. Dr. Lu’s father Kuo Chiang-Yuan is one of the Taiwanese Divinities.
14   Link   Taiwan Perspective
A website of Institute for National Policy Research that discusses Taiwan’s policy with an academic-bent.
15   Link   The Taiwan Library Online
Read for free a list of very important and very well written books about the history of Taiwan’s democratization, including: A Taste of Freedom: Memoirs of a Taiwanese Independent Leader by Dr. Peng Ming-Min, Island in the Stream, Formosa Calling: An Eyewitness Account of the February 28th, 1947 Incident
16   Link   The Online Books Page; Browsing subject area: Taiwan --- History
This is the list created by the University of Pennsylvania similar to the list in #7 above but much more extensive, including books such as The Black Bearded Barbarian: The Life of George Leslie Mackay of Formosa.
17   Link   Taiwan Independence
A blog dedicated to the facts and reasoning that support an independent and sovereign Taiwan.
18   Link   America and Taiwan 1943-2004
An insightful treatise on Taiwan’s history and the necessity of Taiwan’s sovereign independence from the American perspective; highly readable for the “internationalists” who are interested in gaining insights into Taiwan’s pro-localization ideology.
19   Link   Formosan Association for Public Affairs
A long-standing organization who had advocated Taiwan’s democracy and international recognition of Taiwan’s sovereignty for decades.
20   Link   World United Formosans for Independence
A non-profit organization dedicated to promote a free, democratic and independent Republic of Taiwan.


Democratic Progressive Party Chairman Su Tseng-chang, left, gestures while walking along a sidewalk yesterday outside the National Diet Building in Tokyo, Japan, where he is visiting to discuss bilateral relations and Asia-Pacific security and stability.
Photo: Lee Hsin-fang, Taipei Times

Taiwan-Japan relations could be strengthened to promote regional stability because both countries share the values of democracy, freedom and human rights, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairman Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) said in Tokyo yesterday.

“The DPP hopes that Taiwan and Japan can strengthen their bilateral partnership as members of a democratic alliance, which would make the Asia-Pacific a region of security, stability and prosperity by promoting dialogue and closer engagement,” Su said on the second day of his five-day visit to Japan.