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Diaxde Volunteers

Taiwan in the Space Age

Exactly 40 years ago today, July 20th, Neil Armstrong took his “small step” that is really a huge leap for humanity. The positive repercussion of his step is about to get much bigger. In this very special 40th anniversary of we – the earthlings’ – moon landing, I like to celebrate with several of my observations. And relate my observations and predictions to what role can Taiwan play in the space age.


$100,000 per Barrel Oil, Part II

The solution for high oil price is high oil price. That is the reason why a thought experiment like this is worthy of conducting. When I wrote “$100,000 per Barrel Oil” last July, I was unaware of economist Jeff Rubin and his bullish outlook on oil; nor was I aware of his book, Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of Globalization. The following quote prompted me to draft up another variation of my very simple back-of-the-envelope model for estimating the peak price in the current raw materials secular bull market:

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Soldiers participate in the Han Kuang military exercises at Ching Chuan Kang Air Base in Taichung yesterday.
Photo: Sam Yeh, AFP

The details of a piece of US Senate legislation released on Wednesday revealed calls for US troops to participate in Taiwan’s military exercises and vice versa, a part of efforts by US lawmakers to support Taiwan amid what they see as a rising military threat from China.