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Home Articles Dr. Yang's Column

Dr. Yang's Special Column

Red Cops in Taiwan – Assaulting on Former President Chen Shui-Bien makes one a Double Ten Day VIP, Protesting against Zhang Ming-Qing is Prosecuted?!

Here comes Taipei’s cops again.  These “chip-on-the-shoulder” creatures always use obeying superiors’ orders as excuses to pay “special attention” to the “booth” for “Worshipping Taiwanese Divinities.”


Full of Miracles of Divine Intervention – Formosa Holy Mountain’s Mountain Purification Program Volunteer Chronicle

The Holy Mountain Movement is as described in the previous article.  Nevertheless, the follow-up maintenance and up keeping activities of Mountain Purification Program are actions that must be taken.


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Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung, who heads the Central Epidemic Command Center, at a news conference in Taipei yesterday thanks Japan for donating AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines to Taiwan.
Photo courtesy of the CECC

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday expanded registration for the national online COVID-19 vaccination booking system to include people aged 18 to 49.