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Home Articles Dr. Yang's Column

Dr. Yang's Special Column

Red Cops in Taiwan – Assaulting on Former President Chen Shui-Bien makes one a Double Ten Day VIP, Protesting against Zhang Ming-Qing is Prosecuted?!

Here comes Taipei’s cops again.  These “chip-on-the-shoulder” creatures always use obeying superiors’ orders as excuses to pay “special attention” to the “booth” for “Worshipping Taiwanese Divinities.”


Full of Miracles of Divine Intervention – Formosa Holy Mountain’s Mountain Purification Program Volunteer Chronicle

The Holy Mountain Movement is as described in the previous article.  Nevertheless, the follow-up maintenance and up keeping activities of Mountain Purification Program are actions that must be taken.


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Members of the Taiwan Solidarity Union take over the podium at the legislature in Taipei yesterday as Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng steps in to sort out the issue.
Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

The legislature’s caucus leaders, including the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), yesterday approved a non-binding resolution demanding that President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration lodge an official protest with China over its unilateral demarcation of an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea.

The resolution asks Ma to file a stern protest against the Chinese demarcation, which it said has destabilized regional stability, and to take concerted action with the nation’s democratic allies by refusing to submit flight plans as Beijing has requested.