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Home Articles Dr. Yang's Column

Dr. Yang's Special Column

Authoritarian Capitalists – Demons Everywhere

Authoritarian Capitalists – Demons Everywhere

So long as no discussions of democracy, human rights, liberty,
Major American multinationals,
Will own total business advantages in

Eye-popping joint-ventures were signed.
Chinese Communist’s leadership style of autocrats-cum-enterprise solidified.
Accomplice of anti-liberty, democracy, human rights they become.


The Heavenly Light (B)


The career politicians of Taiwan, exploited the Great Ones who sacrificed for the February 28th Movement;

Too, demanded return of Kuomintang’s unjustified procurement,

Were expected to build the Republic of Taiwan.


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Marshall Islands President David Kabua on Wednesday called on the UN to rescind its interpretation of Resolution 2758, which bars Taiwan from participating in the international organization.

There is still a “visible crack” in the UN, as it “will never be whole and complete without the meaningful participation of the 23 million people of Taiwan,” Kabua said in his address on the second day of the General Debate at the 78th General Assembly in New York.

He also criticized the UN’s specialized agencies, meetings and mechanisms for what he described as their continuous efforts to close the doors to journalists and visitors from Taiwan.