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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Protesters slam KMT, TPP reform bills

Thousands of people yesterday gathered outside the Legislative Yuan calling for more transparency regarding legislative reform bills and demanding that proceedings that devolved into brawls on Friday last week be declared null and void.

The demonstrators included members of civic groups and political parties such as the Taiwan Statebuilding Party, the New Power Party and the Green Party Taiwan. They decried what they called procedural issues concerning bills proposed by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), adding that the bills should undergo committee reviews in line with standard legislative procedure.


From Tsai Ing-wen to William Lai

President-elect William Lai’s (賴清德) inauguration is tomorrow and his Cabinet members have largely been set in place. From their administrative arrangement, it is possible to see the pursuit of a stable national security transition, while at the same time see his administration’s resolve to proactively advance industrial and economic development.

Lai is known to be upright and plain-spoken, and he must lead Taiwan in facing several perilous trials and tribulations.

Lai was born and grew up in poverty, and has a lot of compassion and understanding for the plight of those on the bottom rungs of society. Without a family background in medicine or resources, he strove hard to become a doctor, eventually making it to the top. He later became a politician, hoping to improve Taiwan.


Lai to emphasize stability in speech

President-elect William Lai’s (賴清德) inaugural address tomorrow would emphasize solidarity, steadfastness, confidence and responsibility as the themes of his administration, an incoming senior security official said yesterday.

Lai, who succeeds President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) after having been her vice president for the past four years, would have to deal with a China that has ramped up pressure on Taiwan — with almost daily military incursions near its airspace.

His inaugural address would sum up his vision for defending the nation’s democracy, peace and prosperity, said the official, who asked to remain anonymous.


Legislators brawl over reform proposals

A massive brawl erupted between governing and opposition lawmakers in the main chamber of the legislature in Taipei yesterday over legislative reforms.

President-elect William Lai (賴清德) is to be inaugurated on Monday, but his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lost its majority in the legislature and the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) has been working with the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) to promote their mutual ideas.

The opposition parties said the legislative reforms would enable better oversight of the Executive Yuan, including a proposal to criminalize officials who are deemed to make false statements in the legislature.


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US Secretary of State John Kerry has released Washington’s 16th annual report on religious freedom, which showed stark differences between Taiwan and China.

While there were no reported cases of societal abuses or discrimination based on religious belief or practice in Taiwan last year, it was a much different story across the Taiwan Strait, the report showed.

The report said that Beijing “harassed, assaulted, detained, arrested or sentenced to prison” religious adherents and there were also reports of “physical abuse and torture in detention.”