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Chinese ‘curious’ about democracy in Taiwan

US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell said the Chinese are carefully watching “the path and progress” of Taiwanese democracy and that they “probably see a few things that worry them enormously.”

Answering questions at a Webcast conference on US-China relations recently, Campbell said the Chinese also saw things in Taiwanese democracy to which they “aspire.”


Judges fail to rule on extending Chen Shui-bian detention

The Taiwan High Court yesterday heard arguments from prosecutors, former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and his defense lawyers on whether to extend Chen’s detention after the current period expires on Dec. 24.

The judges announced that a decision would be delivered to the former president before his current period expires.


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Should Taiwan's leader stand down over delays in aiding typhoon victims?(Quickvote at CNN.com )

Yes 82% 12306

No 18% 2660

update:2009.08.17 16:45