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US signals new arms sales to Taiwan: official

The administration of US President Barack Obama is moving toward possible new arms sales to Taiwan, including design work on diesel-electric submarines, a US Department of State official said on Wednesday.

Also progressing toward notification to the US Congress is the sale to Taiwan of UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, said Robert Kovac, acting deputy assistant secretary of state for defense trade.


High Court delays verdict in former DPP chief’s case

The Taiwan High Court yesterday said it would schedule more trial dates before the court announces its verdict on whether former Democratic Progressive Party chairman Shih Ming-teh (施明德) was guilty of violating the Assembly and Parade Act (集會遊行法) in 2006.

The court was scheduled to deliver its verdict yesterday, but judges announced the court would need to hear more arguments from both sides.


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The Cloud Shadow uncrewed aerial vehicle is displayed at the China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, China, on Nov. 6 last year.
Photo: AP

Chinese bombers. Chinese hypersonic missiles. Chinese cyberattacks. Chinese anti-satellite weapons.

To a remarkable degree, the Pentagon budget proposal for next year is shaped by national security threats that Acting US Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan has summarized in three words: “China, China, China.”