Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Hau Lung-bin’s ‘Secret Garden’

Engulfed in a string of alleged irregularities over its procurement plans and construction projects, the 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo has seemingly become the Taipei City Government’s “Secret Garden,” blooming with dubious buds which have provided daily ammunition for the opposition’s criticism of what it sees as the city government’s incompetence and lack of integrity.

The daily bombardment from Democratic Progressive Party Taipei City councilors appears all too much for the city government to bear, as is evident by the latest move being considered by the city government: A plan to designate the expo sites as restricted areas.


Chen threatened over missing documents

The Presidential Office yesterday said it would take legal action in a few days if former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) refused to return documents he took with him when he left office.

Presidential Office Spokesman Lo Chih-chiang (羅智強) said the former president may have violated the National Archives Act (國家檔案法), the Civil Servants Work Act (公務人員服務法), the Classified National Security Information Protection Act (國家機密保護法) and the penal code when he took about 20 boxes of documents when he left office.


PRC pushes integration of Taiwan culture

In the wake of the signing of a controversial "Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement," the authoritarian People's Republic of China has launched drives to push President Ma Ying-jeou's rightist Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) government to accept political negotiations and help promote "cultural unification" under a "Chinese national identity."

While Ma appears committed to delay political talks until after the crucial Nov. 27 municipal mayoral elections, the KMT government seems to have fewer qualms about cooperating with the Chinese Communist Party - ruled PRC's intention to subordinate Taiwan culture under the reactionary umbrella of "Chinese national culture."


What Taiwan people must do while Ma waits for Hu

During the last two decades, the policy positions toward the authoritarian People's Republic of China adopted by Taiwan governments has always been complicated by regional concerns and domestic politics.

Contrary to the Taiwan-centered policy adopted by former presidents Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian, President and ruling rightist Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) chairman Ma Ying-jeou has been widely criticized for moving "too fast" toward his PRC counterparts since taking office in May 2008.


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Experts told a conference in Washington on Wednesday that to avoid war over Taiwan, Beijing and Washington must change their current policies.

“China must renounce the use of force against Taiwan or Washington must declare clearly, unequivocally and publicly that it will defend Taiwan against Chinese attack,” said Joseph Bosco, who served in the office of the US secretary of defense as a China country desk officer in 2005 and 2006.

The US, China and Taiwan urgently need a “declaration of strategic clarity,” he said.

Quoting former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, Bosco said that while ambiguity was sometimes the lifeblood of diplomacy, it could not be maintained indefinitely.