Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

China steals Taiwan’s agriculture

The signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) this summer has opened the door for Taiwan’s agricultural and fishery exports and energized the government.

At the same time, however, the Chinese government is setting up “innovation parks for Taiwanese farmers” and “experimental areas for cross-strait agricultural cooperation” with the intention of attracting skilled personnel, animal and plant species, technology and capital in an attempt to emulate the Taiwanese experience.


Policy change needed: US expert

A leading national security expert is calling for a major change in US policy toward Taiwan.

“It is time for US clarity on Taiwan — strategic ambiguity has run its course,” said Joseph Bosco, a former China desk specialist at the Pentagon.


FAPA gets Apple to change status of Taiwan on Web site

Following a protest from the Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA), Apple Inc has stopped referring to Taiwan as a province of China on its Web site.

Instead, Taiwan is now listed as a separate country along with more than 20 others ranging from Australia to the US.


Containing China in new cold war

On Monday, the US and South Korea held their second joint military exercise in a month. The scale of the drill outstripped that of the first drill, held late last month, by three times. Despite both Chinese and North Korean threats, the US and South Korean insistence on the drills was a response to North Korea’s alleged sinking of the South Korean Cheonan warship. It was also a reaction to China’s recent claim that the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea are part of its core interests.


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A delegation from the Youth Division of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party led by Japanese House of Representatives Member Masanobu Ogura, third left, pose with Representative to Japan Frank Hsieh, third right, at the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan in January.
Photo: Lin Tsuei-yi, Taipei Times

A delegation from the Youth Division of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is arriving in Taiwan tomorrow on a five-day trip that includes a meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) and a visit to the grave of former president Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) to pay their respects.

The 11-person delegation, led by division head Masanobu Ogura, a member of the Japanese House of Representatives for Tokyo’s 23rd District, are also to meet with other senior government officials before they leave on Saturday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.