Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Wasting Away Money in Non-sequiturville: Hau Lung-bin and the Carpetbaggers

A characteristic of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) carpetbaggers is their sense of privilege and entitlement and the belief that after gaining high positions via loyalty, they can in turn use such positions to reward carpetbagger friends. Hau Lung-bin, the current Mayor of Taipei fits this carpetbagger profile. He has had no strong political background to justify his being mayor; however his father, Hau Pei-tsun came to Taiwan as a general under Chiang Kai-shek. Hau Pei-tsun later served as Premier, ran as a Vice Presidential Candidate and was a key suspect in the Lafayette Frigate Scandal involving hundreds of millions of dollars of bribes, inflated prices and most likely murder. That supposedly made Hau Lung-bin, whose education was supported by the KMT, a good mayoral candidate.


New Book Warns of Chinese Regime's Objective of Unifying Taiwan

A number of senior Chinese officials have visited Taiwan in recent weeks, as relations ease between the two sides. But according to his new book, titled "Taiwan Grand State Strategies”, Chinese law professor in exile, Yuan Hongbing says high-level visits like these may be harming the interests of Taiwan.

[Yuan Hongbing, Author of “Taiwan Grand State Strategies”]:
“These high ranking communist officials are in fact a commando team that visits Taiwan with the intent to unify it, and to desecrate its free and democratic system.”


Pentagon changes Pacific surveillance

In a military switch with direct implications for Taiwan, the Pentagon is changing the way it spies on China.

US General Gary North, Pacific Air Forces Commander, has announced that three Global Hawk drones — the US’ most advanced unmanned planes — are to be based at Anderson Air Force Base in Guam.


Group demands UN membership

A pro-Taiwanese independence civic group embarked yesterday on a weeklong journey to New York City to advocate the country’s right to bid for UN membership under the name Taiwan.

At a press conference held in Taipei yesterday before their departure, the group said “the annual trip to New York marks a continued effort by the people of Taiwan since 1979 to express their wish to be recognized by the UN.”


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Members of the Economic Democracy Union and other civic organizations raise their fists at a press conference in Taipei yesterday at which they accused the government of exaggerating the potential impact of the free-trade agreement between China and South Korea to force through cross-strait trade pacts.
Photo: Chen Chih-chu, Taipei Times

Several civic groups yesterday accused the government of exaggerating the potential impact of an impending free-trade agreement (FTA) between China and South Korea after the two countries’ leaders concluded talks on the accord at the APEC summit on Monday.

While the Presidential Office has said the agreement would allow South Korea to further outpace Taiwan in key economic sectors, critics say the government is overstating the impact of the treaty to force the passage of several cross-strait trade agreements and related legislation.