Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Six decades of made-up politics

Aside from the business and geopolitical imperatives that stem from the international community’s desire to interact with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), another reason why Taiwan remains in political isolation is that its history and domestic conditions are misunderstood, not only globally, but also in China and by many of the foreign correspondents who cover Taiwan.

Routine references to Taiwan and China “splitting” after the Chinese civil war, for example, or the mention that Taiwan and China have been ruled separately for “more than six decades,” are not only misleading — they are wrong. Beyond failing to get the facts right (disunited entities cannot split, and Taiwan was ruled separately for at least 11 decades, counting Japanese rule), these facile insertions tend to reinforce the view that Taiwan and China are one and the same — or rather, that one ought to be subsumed into the other.


MND censured over munitions sales

The Ministry of National Defense (MND) was reprimanded by the Control Yuan yesterday amid an investigation into whether expired munitions were illegally sold to militant groups in the Middle East and Africa.

Speculation about such sales emerged in January after a report by the Chinese-language Next Magazine that there was evidence more than 1,800 tonnes of ammunition, which had supposedly been destroyed, was re-sold by a government contractor to Romanian officials last year.


Mayor Hau and his pals make little sense

A characteristic of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) carpetbaggers is their sense of privilege and entitlement and the belief that after gaining high positions via loyalty, they can in turn use such positions to reward carpetbagger friends.

Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin (郝龍斌) fits this carpetbagger profile. He has had no strong political background to justify his being mayor; however, his father, Hau Pei-tsun (郝柏村), came to Taiwan as a general under Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石).


US committed to Taiwan, US official says

US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg told a major conference on US-China relations that Washington retains a “very strong commitment” to Taiwan.

While acknowledging that US ties with Beijing were improving, he said: “There is a very strong commitment and appreciation for the tremendous achievements that the people of Taiwan have accomplished both in the economic and especially in the political sphere.”


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The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday alleged that President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and former presidential spokesman Lo Chih-chang (羅智強) violated the Anti-Corruption Act (貪污治罪條例) when they turned Ma’s Facebook page from a state property managed by the Presidential Office into a private asset managed by Ma’s re-election campaign office without following proper procedures.

The Presidential Office set up Ma’s Facebook page in late January and its management was transferred to Ma’s re-election campaign office on July 2.

According to DPP spokesman Chuang Ruei-hsiung (莊瑞雄), changes of ownership or rights of operation of all national property should go through open, selective or limited tendering procedures in accordance with the Public Procurement Act (政府採購法).