Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Wake up and defend our freedom

Speaking at a committee meeting in the legislature on April 18, Vice Minister of National Defense Lin Yu-pao (林於豹) said that the criminal act committed by Justin Lin (林毅夫) when he defected to China in 1979 continues to this day, so there can be no question of a time limit for prosecution having passed.

Lin Yu-pao said that defection has to do with the core ideology of military personnel, is not permissible and may be punishable by death, according to the law. He said that although relations across the Taiwan Strait have relaxed, China is still a big threat, and the core ideology of the nation’s military has not changed.


Ma’s overkill response akin to CCP

On April 11 an open letter by 34 academics and writers was sent to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九). It was not the first by this group of experts on Taiwan. The letter questioned the timing and validity of the Presidential Office’s announcement — three years after the fact — that about 36,000 files went missing after the transfer of power from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration in 2008.

The Presidential Office had turned the matter over to the Control Yuan to launch a full investigation into former top officials of the DPP government. Barely was the letter published, when minions of the Ma government responded in exactly the same way that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) responds when any of its abuses of human rights and the right of law are questioned.


Is the Ma Government Blowing Smoke to Cover its Tracks? Part III

As was mentioned in the previous post, the TECO offices around the world were directed to contact signers of the Open Letter to Ma and both ask them if they really did sign it and that their name was not a forgery; further they were directed to invite them to come in and discuss why they felt that way about the Ma administration. One of the signers, Dr. Richard Kagan was asked if he would come to the Chicago office from his home in Dent, Minnesota; he declined but sent the following letter which encapsulates much of the thinking of the group that sent the letter. They are not questioning that Taiwan has laws, but that those laws are being applied selectively and with a double standard. Somehow, the Ma government just doesn't get it.


Is the Ma Government Blowing Smoke to Cover its Tracks? Part II

On April 10 and 11, 2011, some 34 scholars and writers sent an open letter to Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou. (Reference it by scrolling down below to April 11 to see all the details.) Barely was the letter published, when minions of the Ma government responded in exactly the same way that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of China responds when any of its abuses of human rights and the right of law are questioned. So close in wording and method were the responses of the two countries that they seem to have been taken from the same handbook of authoritarianism. First of course there was the claim that it is illegal for foreigners to comment on the ROC or the PRC internal affairs. Next followed the procedure of questioning the authenticity of the letter and stated suspicions that a nefarious plot was afoot. Finally there was the disbelief that the government's care for its people could be questioned whether it was by dissident Tibetans, Uighurs, or Falun Gong. Or as in the case of Taiwan, that Ma's government that it would ever stoop and base its actions on political motivation.


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President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) recent elaborations on the issue of Taiwan’s statehood, given the complex nature of the legal status of the Republic of China (ROC), was likely “international legal suicide” and a deception of the people of Taiwan, academics said in a forum last week.

Ma appears to have been self-conflicting and inconsistent in his interpretation of the cross-strait framework, Brad Roth, a professor of political science and law at Wayne State University in Michigan, told a forum organized by Taiwan Thinktank.