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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Embedded advertising threatens democracy

According to US-based Freedom House’s report this year on freedom of the press, Taiwan scored its lowest ranking since 2002, continuing a slide that began in 2008. Taiwan dropped 16 places in the global ranking and went from being the freest media in Asia to second place.

The report cited problems such as the debate over the chairpersonship of the Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS), government-funded embedded advertising, increasing frequency of flattering reports about the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and likewise with negative reports about the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). These remarks were very similar to what the US Department of State said in its Human Rights Report last year and they all have an impact on the image of Taiwanese democracy and freedom.


Aborigines slam Ma’s remarks on total autonomy

Several Aboriginal activists yesterday condemned remarks President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) made on Wednesday, when he said that complete autonomy for Aborigines would only bring isolation, and that Aborigines should be valued for their talent in sports and music.

“We Aborigines cannot agree at all with the discriminatory remarks that Ma made against the country’s Aborigines during a Chinese Nationalist Party [KMT] Central Standing Committee meeting on Wednesday,” Indigenous Peoples’ Action Coalition of Taiwan (IPACT) convener Omi Wilang told a news conference in Taipei. “We strongly condemn the remarks. He should apologize for them.”


WikiLeaks reveals USA interest in 2008 execution of ROC spy by China

WikiLeaks has released an unclassified diplomatic cable from the United States Embassy in the People’s Republic of China to the State Department in Washington, D.C. about a September 2008 media briefing in Beijing by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Although much attention was focused on the nuclear weapons threat posed by North Korea, the September 8, 2008 execution of People’s Liberation Army Lt. Dai Yibiao for spying was raised at the news conference.

Chinese spokeswoman Jiang Yu said she had “no information” on why China executed the military officer for spying for the Republic of China in-exile if Taiwan was a part of China.


Tsai lauds democracy activist Fu

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate and party chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) lauded late democratic activist Fu Cheng’s (傅正) life-long contribution to Taiwan at a commemorative event held yesterday to mark the 20th anniversary of his death.

The commemoration took place at Taipei’s Grand Hotel — the site where he and other democracy activists founded the DPP in 1986.

“On Sept. 28, 1986, the DPP was formed at the Grand Hotel. Today, at the same place, we hold a memorial ceremony for one of the party’s funding fathers, democracy activist Fu Cheng,” Tsai said in her speech.


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Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen, left, exchanges gifts with Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Acting Secretary-General Hiroyuki Hosoda at LDP headquarters in Tokyo yesterday.
Photo: CNA

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said regional peace and economic cooperation between Taiwan and Japan were at the center of her talks with Japanese officials yesterday after she and her entourage were pictured stepping out of the Cabinet Office in Tokyo on her final day of her visit to Japan.