Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan Civil Government petitions AIT for meeting with Secretary of State

Taiwan Civil Government used the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the implementation of the San Francisco Peace Treaty to petition the American Institute in Taiwan for a meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  The group is headed by a former Republic of China in-exile Justice Minister, Cheng Chung-mo, and legal researcher Roger Lin.

Lin spoke outside the AIT to a crowd of an estimated 600 supporters.  The United States officials always take note of Lin’s annual demonstrations against the ROC control of Taiwan.  Cheng and Lin are two of the island’s most vocal proponents of action by the U.S. to ensure the island’s residents achieve self-determination.


US congressman’s support in question

US Representative Dana Rohrabacher is threatening to end his strong legislative support for Taiwan as a result of Chunghwa Telecom’s (CHT, 中華電信) decision to terminate satellite services for “pro--democracy” channel New Tang Dynasty Television (新唐人電視台, NTDTV).

“If Taiwan does not support the struggle for freedom of thought within China, I see no need for America to support Taiwan,” Rohrabacher said in a letter sent on Wednesday to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九).

Rohrabacher, a California Republican, has been one of the most ardent pro-Taiwan representatives in Washington.


Taichung, Jason 'Good-Time'Charlie' Hu Dodges One Impeachment Bullet So Far

Taichung, the city where you get the crap that you voted for has continued to have some bad days recently. It seems the chickens have finally started to come home to roost there as noted by recent events. All involved the KMT Mayor of eight years and voted in for another four years who just dodged an impeachment bullet. The recent issue was the pub fire written about. To refresh reader's memories,on March 6 a dancer at ALA Pub accidentally set fire to a ceiling during a performance. Fires happen, but this pub has not been properly zoned for over ten years, and it had somehow always passed safety inspections. It even passed some 21 in the past 5 years, the most recent just being in December. So who is in charge of the city?


Tsai offers a vision of Taiwan’s road ahead

Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has made a remarkable journey: Three years ago, after the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) defeat in both the legislative and presidential elections, she had the unenviable task of trying to get the party out of the doldrums. Today, after winning the primary to become the DPP’s presidential candidate, Tsai has already made history as the nation’s first female presidential candidate.

Next year, she has an excellent chance of beating the incumbent, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT). Her popularity has soared after winning the DPP presidential primary on April 27. Many opinion polls show that she is neck and neck with Ma. Some polls even show her edging ahead.


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A top national security official yesterday said China had begun deploying a new long-range ballistic missile aimed at Taiwan, adding that the missile’s destructive capacity went beyond that of the current missiles in China’s arsenal.

National Security Bureau (NSB) Director Tsai Der-sheng (蔡得勝) told the legislature’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee that in addition to deploying the Dong Feng-16 (DF-16), the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was also now fielding the DF-21, also known as the “aircraft carrier killer,” which could put any US Navy vessels coming to Taiwan’s assistance at great risk.