Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ma’s political playacting will backfire

As a result of the rosy pictures and clever slogans that the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) government frequently feeds the public, more often than not failing to substantiate them, many members of the public now have a clearer grasp of the notion of “politics as performance art.”

A look at the recent act put on by Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) Minister Jennifer Wang (王如玄) in the presence of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), however, has taken it to a new level, as the public played witness to a blatant show of brown-nosing that appears to be prevalent among government officials in the Ma administration.


Taiwan, the Ma Government Wants the Media to Serve it

Taiwan has recently been facing media problems where the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) is using its pan-blue media to run pro-KMT ad-verts as actual news stories. Other pan-blue media are publishing items straight from Xinhua News, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) news organ as if they are regular news. As Freedom House has noted, the press freedom in Taiwan has continued to drop since Ma Ying-jeou became president. Yet, once again, Taiwan faces another situation where it appears that not only does the horse not know how long his face is, but those who serve the horse do not either. In fact they seem to be trying to force the public to accept the fact that the horse really has a short face. What are we talking about? The case involves how a reporter for SET-TV exposed a fake pro-Ma PR scheme. Instead of being praised for good journalism, the reporter and his TV station are being criticized for exposing the truth.


Freedom House lowers Taiwan’s press ranking

Taiwan continued to drop down the list of countries with a free press, a new global study on press freedom shows.

In a survey released on Monday by the Washington-based think tank Freedom House, Taiwan ranked 48th in the world in press freedom last year. It ranked 47th in 2009 and 43rd in 2008.

The nation scored a total of 24 negative points compared with 23 in 2009 and 20 in each of the previous three years.


Taiwan’s competitiveness is fading

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has accused the former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government of restricting cross-strait trade exchanges, saying that this resulted in a sharp increase in Taiwanese investment in China and cross-strait trade. However, since Taiwan and China signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), Taiwanese businesspeople have shown a renewed willingness to return to Taiwan, Ma said, adding that this has caused cross-strait trade as a proportion of overall trade to decrease.

The truth is that after three years under the Ma administration, Taiwanese investment in China has surged, the number of Taiwanese businesspeople returning home has been limited, foreign investment has dropped and Taiwanese capital has flooded out.


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Former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) son Chen Chih-chung (陳致中) said yesterday he had tried everything possible to wire the money connected to the corruption allegations leveled at his family back to Taiwan, rebutting recent comments by Swiss authorities who said no such requests have been received.

On Saturday, Folco Galli, spokesperson for the Swiss Justice Ministry, said the ministry had not received any requests from Chen Chih-chung or members of his family to wire funds the Chen family kept overseas back to Taiwan.