Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ma Ying-jeou, the Puppet of Beijing

Once again, Taiwan has witnessed that the word of Ma Ying-joke is a hollow as an empty gourd. After years of Ma telling the Taiwanese that he is protecting its sovereignty, that he would not mention independence and that he would not move toward unification, reality exposes his deception. Ma touted that the observer status that he has gained Taiwan as Chinese Taipei in the World Health Assembly (WHA) was a great achievement. A recent memo reveals that this was and still is a sham.

First one must remember that the observer status Taiwan has is a year by year status; it must always be approved by China. China can dump Taiwan at will and deny its status whenever it wants. Is that a great achievement by Ma?


Memo says Taiwan not a party to IHR

A “leaked” internal memo from the WHO made public yesterday raised new questions about Taiwan’s participation in the International Health Regulations (IHR).

The memo, handed out by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Kuan Bi-ling (管碧玲), states: “Taiwan, as a province of China, cannot be party to the IHR” — an agreement that dovetails with Beijing’s position.

World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolution 25.1, referring to the 1972 clause that ejected Taiwan’s representatives to the WHO, remains a “touchstone for such matters,” the confidential document said.


WHO memo sparks outrage in Taiwan

Senior WHO officials sent out an internal memo on Sept. 14 last year asking WHO agencies to be kept aware that Taiwan is a “Province of China,” pursuant to an arrangement with Beijing.

The confidential memo, released by a lawmaker yesterday and published by the Liberty Times (the Taipei Times’ sister newspaper) the same day, says that procedures used by the WHO to facilitate relations with Taiwan and how these relations operate were subject to Chinese — and not Taiwanese — approval.

The authenticity of the document has been confirmed with the WHO, which is based in Geneva, Switzerland.


Ma Continues the KMT Belittling of Taiwan's Aborigines

Ma Ying-jeou continued to express his Han chauvinistic prejudice in recent remarks to the aboriginal community. It was bad enough to hear his past telling the aborigines that they need to move into the city where they will receive a proper education on being civilized. Somehow he had implied that living in nature and on one's ancestral lands automatically made one uncivilized and a barbarian. But this time Ma went beyond just speaking on locale determining brains. This time he may have thought he was complimenting them, but that is Ma logic and Han chauvinism.


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Former Democratic Progressive Party legislator Chai Trong-rong, left, looks on yesterday as former US attorney-general Ramsey Clark, second left, shakes hands with jailed former president Chen Shui-bian’s supporters at the gate of Taipei Prison in Gueishan Township, Taoyuan County.
Photo: Yu Juei-jen, Taipei Times

Former US attorney-general Ramsey Clark, a longtime advocate for Taiwanese democracy, yesterday visited former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) in Taipei Prison and said that the government should release Chen immediately.

Clark visited Chen in the afternoon, accompanied by former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Chai Trong-rong (蔡同榮) and Chen’s son, Chen Chih-chung (陳致中).