Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

US lawmakers welcome Dalai Lama at Capitol

US lawmakers hailed the Dalai Lama as a global inspiration as they welcomed him on Thursday at the Capitol, urging US President Barack Obama to defy China and also meet the exiled Tibetan leader.

Members of the US House of Representatives briefly put aside a rancorous debate on taming the US debt to receive the Dalai Lama, a rare figure embraced by both sides of the US political spectrum.

US House Speaker John Boehner, the third highest-ranking US official under the Constitution, said lawmakers spoke to the Dalai Lama about “our shared values not just in Tibet and China, but in the Middle East as well.”


Obama turning away from Taiwan

Liberals don’t like Asians. Asians are basically conservative: They don’t like big and intrusive government and despise high taxes and welfare. Asians espouse strong family values. They are not egalitarian.

When Asians are asked what they don’t like about the US, their top answer is affirmative action and quotas in college and university admission that grievously discriminate against Asians — core tenets of the liberal Democratic Party’s agenda.

US President Barack Obama is an uber-liberal, the most liberal US president ever. Hence the above view of Asians held by liberals applies to him even more. He is an enthusiastic advocate of expanding government, higher taxes and racial quotas.


Opposition questions comic fest choice

Taiwan has turned down an opportunity to join an exhibition as a “theme country” in a renowned European comic convention, prompting criticism from opposition lawmakers yesterday over the government’s commitment to participating in international activities.

The organizers of the Angouleme International Comics Festival, the largest of its kind in Europe, had invited Taiwan to take part in the convention next year as a theme country, but the Taiwanese government rejected the invitation.

Government Information Office (GIO) Minister Philip Yang (楊永明) defended the decision at a press conference, saying “it was simply due to limited budget resources and manpower,” making it difficult for the government to prepare for the event in such a short period.


Nepal tightens screw on Tibetans

Kathmandu: In what appears to be another bid to please China, the Nepal Police on June 21 arrested a dozen Tibetans who had gathered to take part in the birthday celebrations of His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa.

Nepali police in full riot gear closely watching Tibetans offering
prayers at the Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu which has for centuries
been a holy place for Tibetans. (Photo/Kevin Bubriski)
Nepali police in full riot gear closely watching Tibetans offering prayers at the Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu which has for centuries been a holy place for Tibetans. (Photo/Kevin Bubriski)

The incident occurred in Boudha, a Buddhist area of the capital on Wednesday where around 70 Tibetans had gathered to offer prayers. Witnesses say police randomly picked the dozen Tibetans-all men when they were coming out of the monastery. The 12 arrested are still held at the local police station in Boudha on charges of carrying out anti-China activities.


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A group of Taiwanese living in Norway lost a lawsuit filed last year against the Norwegian government, accusing it of improperly changing their nationality from “Taiwanese” to “Chinese” on their residency permits.

A district court in Oslo on Tuesday last week ruled that the Norwegian government abides by the “one China” policy and so does not diplomatically recognize Taiwan.