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Judges fail to rule on extending Chen Shui-bian detention

The Taiwan High Court yesterday heard arguments from prosecutors, former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and his defense lawyers on whether to extend Chen’s detention after the current period expires on Dec. 24.

The judges announced that a decision would be delivered to the former president before his current period expires.


US signals new arms sales to Taiwan: official

The administration of US President Barack Obama is moving toward possible new arms sales to Taiwan, including design work on diesel-electric submarines, a US Department of State official said on Wednesday.

Also progressing toward notification to the US Congress is the sale to Taiwan of UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, said Robert Kovac, acting deputy assistant secretary of state for defense trade.


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The US aims to expand its involvement in East Asia amid concerns that China may use its growing military clout to coerce its neighbors or move against Taiwan, US military officials told Congress on Wednesday.

The officials also promised to provide Taiwan with weapons to protect itself from a possible Chinese attack, despite Beijing’s warning that such sales are meddling and could lead to conflict.