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Government denies ‘dollar diplomacy’

The Presidential Office yesterday defended the government’s recent donation of a jet to the Panamanian government, saying President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) opposed “checkbook diplomacy” but was not against offering aid to diplomatic allies if the money was used properly.

“Since his presidential campaign, the president has emphasized that he is against ‘checkbook diplomacy’ or ‘dollar diplomacy’ because the source or flow of the money isn’t clear,” Presidential Office Spokesman Wang Yu-chi (王郁琦) said. “However, he is not against using money in a proper way if there is a clear and specific plan.”


International participation should be part of cross-strait talks: Control Yuan

A Control Yuan report recommended that a model for participation in international organizations be added to the agenda for the fifth round of cross-strait talks next year.

Titled “Taiwan’s Participation in International Organizations,” the report also said the public should not have high expectations of the so-called “1992 consensus” because China’s insistence on the “one China” principle remains unchanged despite the change in Taiwan’s government.


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Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung yesterday holds up a sign at a news conference in Taipei showing the number of people under home isolation as a result of a COVID-19 cluster infection at Taoyuan General Hospital.
Photo: Lin Kuo-hsien, Taipei Times

A total of 2,991 people associated with a COVID-19 cluster infection at Taoyuan General Hospital have been put under home isolation, after an emergency expanded isolation order was issued on Sunday evening, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said yesterday.