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Japan happy to see resurgence of DPP: chairperson

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said Japanese political circles were pleased to see the party back on its feet, at the conclusion of her four-day visit to Japan.

Speaking with reporters at Taoyuan Airport, Tsai said Japanese politicians were paying great attention to Taiwanese politics and were happy to see the DPP bounce back.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 17 December 2009 11:20 ) Read more...

China is biggest roadblock: legislators

China remains the biggest impediment to Taiwan’s bid to join international organizations and this issue should be discussed in upcoming cross-strait talks, legislators across party lines said yesterday.

Both Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers criticized Beijing for continuing to obstruct Taiwan’s efforts to gain more international space despite the recent cross-strait diplomatic detente.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 17 December 2009 11:21 ) Read more...

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A passenger stands after arriving at the nearly deserted train station in Wuhan, China, yesterday.
Photo: AFP

China yesterday locked down two major cities in a province at the center of a deadly coronavirus outbreak, banning airplanes and trains from leaving in an unprecedented move aimed at containing the disease, which has already spread to other countries.