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ANALYSIS: Move to participate in WHO could have harmed sovereignty

The controversial participation of Taiwan in the WHO is more complicated than the designation “Taiwan, China,” over which the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have traded fire, analysts said.

Despite being harshly criticized for a recently leaked procedure concerning the implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR) — a set of WHO global health rules — with the instruction the refer to the nation as “Taiwan, Province of China,” the government has vehemently defended its WHO strategy.

The government has raised two key arguments in its defense.


Two-fifths say sovereignty eroded: poll

While 47.3 percent of the public think cross-strait exchanges over the past three years have not negatively impacted Taiwan’s sovereignty, 40 percent believe that there has been a severe erosion of sovereignty following the cross-strait exchanges initiated by President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration since 2008, according to a survey released by the Taiwan Brain Trust yesterday.

Think tank chief executive Lo Chih-cheng (羅致政) said that the survey was conducted on Friday and Saturday last week, before the recent revelation of an internal WHO memo dated September last year that showed the body instructed members to refer to Taiwan as a “Province of China.”


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A group of lawyers and civic groups yesterday said that if the “cronyism in the finance sector and judiciary” that began under the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) persists, young people — who are facing the concentration of capital, impoverishment and a low birth rate — risk becoming a “crumbled generation.”

Lawyer Fan Jen-yu (樊仁裕) said that the finance sector has hired people from the former administration to be their “door gods.”