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US congressman’s support in question

US Representative Dana Rohrabacher is threatening to end his strong legislative support for Taiwan as a result of Chunghwa Telecom’s (CHT, 中華電信) decision to terminate satellite services for “pro--democracy” channel New Tang Dynasty Television (新唐人電視台, NTDTV).

“If Taiwan does not support the struggle for freedom of thought within China, I see no need for America to support Taiwan,” Rohrabacher said in a letter sent on Wednesday to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九).

Rohrabacher, a California Republican, has been one of the most ardent pro-Taiwan representatives in Washington.


Freedom House lowers Taiwan’s press ranking

Taiwan continued to drop down the list of countries with a free press, a new global study on press freedom shows.

In a survey released on Monday by the Washington-based think tank Freedom House, Taiwan ranked 48th in the world in press freedom last year. It ranked 47th in 2009 and 43rd in 2008.

The nation scored a total of 24 negative points compared with 23 in 2009 and 20 in each of the previous three years.


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Taiwanese expatriates and others march in New York City on Saturday during the annual UN For Taiwan/Keep Taiwan Free rally.
Photo: CNA

Hundreds of Taiwanese expatriates and others marched in the Manhattan borough of New York City on Saturday to call attention to Taiwan’s exclusion from the UN and Beijing’s efforts to further shrink the nation’s space in the international community.