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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
2581 Ma silent on crucial issue of sovereignty James Wang 王景弘 950
2582 Dubai World and Chinese illusions The Liberty Times Editorial 1164
2583 Is bad news not so bad in China? Taipei Times 842
2584 ECFA spells doom for local service businesses Lin Kien-tsu 林健次 858
2585 Is China as stable as it says it is? Sushil Seth 1009
2586 Enough talking — let’s see results Taipei Times 791
2587 It’s time for electoral retribution The Liberty Times Editorial 695
2588 Exit Saito, enter uncertainty Taipei Times 743
2589 Lies, obfuscation and hypocrites Taipei Times 780
2590 Is the US marginalizing Taiwan? Emerson Chang 張子揚 732
2591 A recovery with concerns attached Taipei Times 681
2592 Thoughts on a perfect American ambassador John Tkacik 譚慎格 811
2593 An ‘Apple’ a day? Not for Mayor Hau Taipei Times 1012
2594 Send irrelevant lawmakers home Ku Chung-Hwa 顧忠華 1109
2595 Trying to hide discontent Taipei Times 812
2596 Obama in chains Jeffrey D. Sachs 980
2597 Police impartiality in question Taipei Times 809
2598 A warning ahead of negotiations Taipei Times 936
2599 Ma’s ‘pragmatism’ is a sham Taipei Times 926
2600 Negotiating Taiwan’s sovereignty The Liberty Times Editorial 1070
Page 130 of 139


Democratic Progressive Party's presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen at an election rally last month.(Photo/AP)

DHARAMSHALA, February 24: A former presidential candidate and leader of Taiwan’s largest opposition party, has expressed concerns over the situation in Tibet and called on President Ma Ying-jeou to voice his concerns to Beijing.

Democratic Progressive Party Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen said she was “heartbroken” with the increasing reports of self-immolation protests by Tibetans in her meeting with Dawa Tsering, director of the Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Wednesday.