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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
2521 Paying for public health Taipei Times Editorial 765
2522 Billions later, is Taiwan any safer? Taipei Times Editorial 600
2523 China is no friend of Washington Parris Chang 張旭成 721
2524 Ma and Obama: like night and day Taipei Times Editorial 626
2525 Central bank must be independent Taipei Times Editorial 933
2526 Chinese QDII an opiate, not savior Liberty Times Editorial 1217
2527 ‘UDN’ sees an evil US plot in Haiti J. Michael Cole 寇謐將 1630
2528 Challenging censorship in China Taipei Times Editorial 822
2529 Keating impressed by visit to Taiwan Richard Halloran 878
2530 Seeking a man of substance Taipei Times Editorial 922
2531 US arms sales crucial for Taiwan Doug Bandow 852
2532 Raising the red lantern over Taroko Taipei Times Editorial 748
2533 Google’s wake-up call to the world Nat Bellocchi 765
2534 The benefits of putting up a fight Paul Lin 林保華 899
2535 A sergeant at arms wouldn’t help Taipei Times 828
2536 An impeachment to dismember Taipei Times Editorial 736
2537 King of more than just the KMT Taipei Times Editorial 867
2538 Gilley’s ‘Finlandization’ is wrong Nat Bellocchi 846
2539 Wickedness in the guise of policy Liberty Times Editorial 918
2540 Haiti’s tragedy and Taiwan Taipei Times 1348
Page 127 of 139


Premier Liu Chao-shiuan said in an interview with Dow Jones Newswires on Thursday that Taiwan could consider including the Chinese yuan in its foreign exchange (forex) reserves, but his view was not shared by other government officials.

During the interview, Liu said Taiwan could consider including the yuan in its foreign exchange reserves as cross-strait ties expand at an unprecedented pace.