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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
2481 Ma living up to Web-created name Taipei Times Editorial 788
2482 Now they oppose partisan politics Taipei Times Editorial 854
2483 Trade deal safety-valve shrouded in mystery Nathan Novak 李漢聲 768
2484 Sovereignty upheld? Think again J. Michael Cole 寇謐將 870
2485 China’s deployment of missiles is a mistake Nat Bellocchi 白樂崎 746
2486 Investors ponder unknown knowns Taipei Times Editorial 784
2487 No more 3D glasses, Mr President Taipei Times Editorial 769
2488 Reflected glory is for the vainglorious Taipei Times Editorial 713
2489 The Korean War and the fate of Taiwan Chen Yi-shen 陳儀深 852
2490 The day that changed our world Taipei Times Editorial 766
2491 The central bank takes action Taipei Times Editorial 798
2492 Cross-strait unification and the US Lu I-ming 呂一銘 915
2493 Taiwan: Hawaii, Jamaica or Cuba? James Holmes 673
2494 Ma still unclear on Taiwan’s status Taipei Times Editorial 662
2495 New opportunities for Taiwan Liberty Times Editorial 736
2496 Workers in China will stand up for their rights James Wang 王景弘 629
2497 Ma's push to stampede Taiwan people to ECFA Taiwan News Editorial 824
2498 China on the brink of huge social changes Paul Lin 林保華 737
2499 Foxconn raises could change China Taipei Times Editorial 926
2500 Mayor’s competence questioned Taipei Times Editorial 730
Page 125 of 141


"China Times" intern Han Fu-yu is pictured in an undated photograph posted online by a Taiwanese Internet user on Tuesday, showing that Han is a member of the Chinese Communist Party’s Communist Youth League, despite a denial issued by the Chinese-language newspaper earlier that day.
Photo: Screen grab from the Internet

Netizens yesterday challenged the Chinese-language China Times’ claim that its intern, Han Fu-yu (韓福宇), is not a member of the Communist Youth League of China (CYL).