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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
2421 Farm act fails to address problems Taipei Times Editorial 1368
2422 Ma’s actions forfeit his leadership’s legitimacy James Wang 王景弘 795
2423 Ma Ying-jeou should listen well Taipei Times Editorial 744
2424 China corrupts, wherever it goes J. Michael Cole 寇謐將 644
2425 Protesting is a right, not a privilege Taipei Times Editorial 742
2426 A witness to cross-strait abuse Nathan Novak 699
2427 Is the WTO to be trusted to ‘review’ the ECFA? J. Michael Cole 寇謐將 694
2428 A ‘social defense’ strategy is needed Wu Jieh-min 吳介民 759
2429 Dolphins might be smarter than Wu Taipei Times Editorial 708
2430 Ma living up to Web-created name Taipei Times Editorial 745
2431 Now they oppose partisan politics Taipei Times Editorial 819
2432 Trade deal safety-valve shrouded in mystery Nathan Novak 李漢聲 730
2433 Sovereignty upheld? Think again J. Michael Cole 寇謐將 830
2434 China’s deployment of missiles is a mistake Nat Bellocchi 白樂崎 709
2435 Investors ponder unknown knowns Taipei Times Editorial 747
2436 No more 3D glasses, Mr President Taipei Times Editorial 729
2437 Reflected glory is for the vainglorious Taipei Times Editorial 672
2438 The Korean War and the fate of Taiwan Chen Yi-shen 陳儀深 810
2439 The day that changed our world Taipei Times Editorial 727
2440 The central bank takes action Taipei Times Editorial 758
Page 122 of 139


President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) approval ratings and confidence index reached new lows this month, a poll by the Chinese-­language Global Views (遠見) magazine showed yesterday.

The poll, conducted by the Global Views Survey Research Center, put Ma’s popularity at 23.2 percent, down 0.3 percentage points from last month, while his trust index dropped 1.6 percentage points from last month to 36.4 percent.