Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Selling out to China betrays our democracy

When Taiwanese voters elected their president in direct elections for the first time on March 23, 1996, Taiwan in practice became an independent and sovereign democracy. It reinforced the fact that the country is completely different from the one-party state of China.

Regrettably, China maintains that Taiwan belongs to it and constantly threatens the nation. Since coming into power, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has echoed Beijing’s “one China” principle and made every effort to push free and democratic Taiwan toward authoritarian China. If Taiwan one day loses its sovereignty, freedom and democracy, all Taiwanese, regardless of ethnicity or political stripe, will be helpless.


Taipei confirms ‘secret’ channels

The Presidential Office yesterday confirmed that Taipei and Beijing have been using unofficial communication channels, adding that all matters concerning the exercise of public power must be handled by quasi-official conduits and supervised by the legislature.

Presidential Office Spokesman Lo Chih-chiang (羅智強) said cross-strait exchanges and communications consisted of official and unofficial channels.


Academics warn of danger to democracy

Academics assessing the nation’s democratic performance during the first half of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) term yesterday urged the public “to provoke disputes” to revive the system of checks and balances that they said has been noticeably weakened under Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) rule.

“The nation’s democracy has been in peril these past two years and I have been wondering on ways to resolve it, and my conclusion is that intellectuals must use [their] knowledge to provoke [public] disputes,” said Liu Chin-hsing (劉進興), professor of chemistry at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.


Los Angeles vigil for Taiwan enters fifth month outside federal builing

The Defense and State Departments in Washington, D.C. know nothing about a United States Military Government for Taiwan but federal employees in Los Angeles can explain that is what motivates two dozen protesters each week.

Each week, regardless of weather conditions, two dozen dedicated people return every Tuesday to the Los Angeles federal building to ask the United States to evict the Republic of China in-exile from Taiwan.


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TAIPEI, Aug 19 (Reuters) - A Taiwan town where 700 people were displaced after the island's worst typhoon in 50 years has declined mobile homes from political rival China, fearing the they might contain toxic chemicals, officials said on Wednesday.

Chiatung Township refused 100 quick-assembly homes after Taiwan's notoriously anti-China county of Pingtung said that based on news reports in China, they might contain formalin, a chemical that can be hazardous in high doses, deputy county magistrate Chung Chia-pin said.