Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ma offers 'false gold' to trick Taiwan people

President Ma Ying-jeou used the second anniversary of the return to power of his rightist Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) to try to persuade the 23 million Taiwan people to believe in a new vision of a "Golden Decade."

Ma clearly realizes that the greatest threat to his chances of winning a second four year term in the next presidential and national legislative polls in early 2012 is the fact that the majority of the Taiwan people have already realized that they were tricked in the March 2008 presidential polls by the KMT leader's "633" mirage.


MA: TWO YEARS IN OFFICE: Hard times ahead for US' Taiwan policy: academic

Taiwan should prepare for the “possibility of a very difficult period ahead for US policy in the cross-strait area,” a Washington symposium heard on Tuesday.

Steven Goldstein, director of the Taiwan Studies Workshop at Harvard University, said he was “quite pessimistic” about the future.


Thinning the Herd Beijing Style: So Why Does Ma Keep Pushing Taiwan Towards Unification?

In the past few years, the international media has been filled with plenty of stories of how the Middle Kingdom of Pollution, Poison and Propaganda has sent out deadly products such as poisoned toothpaste, poisoned pet foods, poisoned toys rife with lead-based paint etc. etc. The world has been shocked, but not enough to give up the quest of the almighty dollar; thus it has chosen to ignore the facts on how Beijing thins the herd of humans around the world. Instead it has continued the mantra, "Buy China! Make a Profit." A bitter mantra and a bitter pill, especially if one thinks of all the collateral damage this causes.


PRC invades Taiwan with 'embedded' ads

The quality and sustainability of Taiwan's hard-won democracy is now being increasingly threatened by invasive "embedded advertizing" and "censorship without borders" from the authoritarian People's Republic of China.

Since President Ma Ying-jeou took office on May 20, 2008, Taiwan's ratings for news freedom have deteriorated steady, as shown by the plunge in Taiwan's ranking from 32nd in 2008 to 47th this year in the annual reviews of global news freedom by the New York-based Freedom House.


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Major Republican victories in the US midterm elections could leave Taiwan in a strong political position on Capitol Hill, a Taiwan lobby organization said.

With Republicans capturing 60 seats to take control of the House of Representatives and the Democrats managing to hang on to the Senate by a narrow majority, power is now divided in Washington. As a result, Taiwan’s supporters in Congress are expected to have increased freedom to speak out on controversial issues, such as arms sales, free trade and a place for Taiwan within international organizations.