Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan's Double Standard, Money, Money, Who's Got the Money? Part II: Those Friggin Frigates

It reads like a John le Carre spy-thriller. The ingredients are all there. Billions of dollars for military hardware-here read French Lafayette Frigates. The staggering amount for bribes and payoffs alone reaches well over US$600 millions of dollars. Even the PRC military got in on the action and were paid well not to protest France selling these ships to Taiwan. How France got the contract instead of South Korea which had seemed to have had it in the bag, is only the beginning; the known body count of accidental deaths and questionable suicides has reached at least 8 with falling out of windows from tall buildings seeming to be the accident of choice. Yes, even by Taiwan standards this is a scandal of scandals.


Taiwan-US FTA resolution introduced in Congress

A new resolution formally calling on US President Barack Obama to move toward a free-trade agreement (FTA) with Taiwan has been introduced into the US Congress.

The resolution was signed by Democrat Robert Anderson and Republicans Scott Garrett and John Culberson.


Thousands protest Chen's detention

Former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) mother yesterday said at a protest against his detention that she was saddened by the fact that for the past two years her son has been unable to call her on Mother’s Day.

Chen Lee Shen (陳李慎) came to Taipei from Tainan to join a sit-in rally on Jinan Road calling for Chen’s release that was organized by various pro-localization groups, including some Democratic Progressive Party officials from southern Taiwan.


Lafayette guilty still need to be found

The victory in the Lafayette arbitration court case is of major significance to Taiwan. The huge sums involved in the Lafayette frigate deal led to the death of Navy Captain Yin Ching-feng (尹清楓), a major navy personnel reshuffle, several years of domestic political conflict, several political scandals in France and several international court cases in Taiwan, France and Switzerland.

However, the victory does not imply that all the fraud has been cleared up. The fraud case and the arbitration case are two different matters. Proving that commissions actually were paid in connection with the Lafayette case is just the beginning of a new wave of investigations. The government must now increase efforts to clarify the channels through which the commissions were forwarded and determine which officials were involved.


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A US senator yesterday told President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) that the legislature’s planned amendment to the Act Governing Food Sanitation (食品衛生管理法) was “unacceptable” and that he “expects” the Taiwan-US beef protocol signed in October to be implemented.

In a letter addressed to Ma and released by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus of Montana wrote in a letter to Ma that he was “strongly disappointed” and that the amendment would “unjustifiably bar certain beef products and would abrogate the import protocol.”