Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Behind China’s words lies self-interest

Many experts are currently discussing the pros and cons of signing an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China.

However, remarks made by both the Taiwanese and Chinese governments and their representatives have deviated so far from common sense that the ECFA has already morphed into something never before heard of in the history of diplomacy.


China’s rise could land Taiwan in hot water

Recently, BBC World Service announced an annual opinion poll by GlobeScan, an international opinion research consultancy that was conducted across 28 countries, asking more than 29,000 adults whether they considered the influence of different countries in the world to be mostly positive or mostly negative.

About 34 percent of respondents said they had a positive view of China’s influence in the world.


United States asked to expel Republic of China in-exile from Taiwan

Expel the Republic of China in-exile from Taiwan was the message several hundred demonstrators delivered to the American Institute in Taiwan. Spirits were high despite a light drizzle and flags, signs and banners were in profusion.

Coordinating a coalition of groups and individuals seeking a Taiwanese nation was Roger Lin of the Formosa Nation Legal Strategy Association. Lin called on the United States to supervise a transitional government upon the expulsion of the Republic of China referring to U.S. obligations under the San Francisco Peace Treaty.


Taiwan's democracy radio Ocean Voice raided by ROC police third time this year

The Voice of Ocean Taiwan, 95.9 FM in Taichung, Taiwan was again shut down from broadcasting following a police raid to the station’s Shin-Ser tower for the second time this month.

The Republic of China in-exile five times has refused to grant the pro-Taiwan independence Ocean Voice radio station a license to operate despite the empty frequency Ocean Voice uses. Ocean Voice Executive Director James Chang explains why the station has operated 15 years without a license.


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Various groups yesterday hold a news conference outside the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office criticizing prosecutors for “passing the buck” and failing to bring charges against former president Ma Ying-jeou for his alleged involvement in the controversial Taipei Dome project when he served as Taipei mayor.
Photo: CNA

Pro-localization groups yesterday accused prosecutors of not taking the necessary steps to prosecute former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) for his suspected role in the Taipei Dome project and a classified information leak, demanding that they take action immediately.