Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Prosecuting war by other means

On its own, the widening gap in military capabilities in the Taiwan Strait — in which the Chinese air force will enjoy a more than two-to-one advantage in combat aircraft by 2014-2015 — is a worrying development. Equally disturbing, however, are recent signals from President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) that he does not accord the nation’s ability to defend itself against Chinese aggression the importance it deserves.

Not only did Ma claim last year that the country’s No. 1 enemy was mother nature, he has also cut the number of military exercises simulating a Chinese invasion. There is even evidence that Taiwanese officials in Washington have not really pushed for sale of the F-16C/D combat aircraft the nation so desperately needs to level the playing field. All of this, added to Ma’s remark that he would “never” call on the US to fight on Taiwan’s behalf — which he subsequently had to qualify, given the political storm it created — points to a president who does not take defense seriously.


Lies, damned lies and statistics

Yesterday marked President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) second year in office and the midway point of his four-year term.

In the build-up to the anniversary, the media has been awash with surveys and polls rating almost everything, from Taiwan’s current economic situation and support for a planned economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China, to Ma’s popularity and even his chances of re-election against prospective opposition presidential candidates in 2012.


Pro-Taiwan resolution introduced

South Dakota Democrat Tim Johnson, founding co-chairman of the Senate Taiwan Caucus, has introduced to the US Senate a resolution supporting Taiwan’s efforts to gain observer status at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The resolution states that observer status for Taiwan would contribute both to the fulfillment of the ICAO’s mission and to the success of its global strategy — based on international cooperation — to address aviation security threats.


MA: TWO YEARS IN OFFICE: Three-day ECFA sit-in protest starts

Hundreds of protesters wearing green shirts gathered in Taipei yesterday to begin a three-day sit-in calling for a referendum on the government's proposal to sign a trade agreement with China.

Staged at the Jinan Road entrance to the legislature and surrounded by a light police presence, the crowd chanted slogans including “Give the people a voice” and “We want a referendum.”


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Tibetans in Taiwan and supporters of Tibetan independence yesterday condemned the Chinese government’s repression of freedom of expression and religion, while calling on people of all nationalities to join a march on Sunday to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the 1959 Tibetan uprising.

“This year is the 11th year that Taiwanese will march with Tibetans in the streets of Taipei to commemorate March 10,” Yiong Cong-ziin (楊長鎮), a founding member of Taiwan Friends of Tibet, told a news conference in Taipei yesterday.