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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Opposition vows ‘10-year’ ECFA fight

Opposition parties yesterday vowed to begin a “10-year resistance” against the government’s plan to sign an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China, including organizing large-scale protests calling for a referendum on the controversial pact.

The Executive Yuan’s Referendum Review Committee on Thursday night voted 12-4 against an opposition-supported referendum proposal asking voters whether they agreed that the government should sign an ECFA with China. The committee said the question did not fall under what was allowed under the Referendum Act (公民投票法).


Referendum is a needed tool for our democracy

On Thursday, the Cabinet’s Referendum Review Committee rejected a referendum proposal on an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA). After some media outlets and members of the public had directed strong attacks against a referendum, many members of the Referendum Review Committee also raised doubts over the issue, resulting in the expectation by many that the proposal would be rejected.


Taiwan must not repeat Greek debt crisis

Taiwan took a step toward replicating the Greek debt crisis earlier this week when the Legislative Yuan's fiscal affairs committee recently approved revisions to the Public Debt Law that will hike debt ceilings for special municipal and local governments.

According to the draft revisions approved by the committee, the future five special municipalities, including Taipei, Sinbei, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung, will be able to raise a total of public debt up to 200 percent of their annual expenditures while the remaining city and county governments will have their public debt ceilings lifted from the current 45 percent to 70 percent.


ECFA referendum proposal rejected

The Executive Yuan's Referendum Review Committee late last night voted down the Taiwan Solidarity Union's (TSU) request to hold a referendum on the government's proposed economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China. The vote, which was announced shortly before 11pm, was 12-4.

The TSU's application requested a referendum on the question: “Do you agree that the government should sign an ECFA with China?”


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The US Department of State is declining for the first time to address an annual industry conference on defense and security ties between the US and Taiwan, the event’s organizer said.

US arms sales to Taiwan are a major sore spot with China. Still, the State Department has sent one of its senior officials to speak at the event each year for the past nine years, US-Taiwan Business Council president Rupert Hammond-Chambers said in an interview on Tuesday.

“It’s certainly a -disappoint-ment,” he said, although a senior Pentagon official will address the conference.