Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

ROC missile shoot fizzles embarrassing Ma Ying-jeou at test site

A dismal missile test where six of 19 missiles failed left Ma Ying-jeou, president of the Republic of China in-exile, sheepish at the test site.  Ma called for better training but the missile failures may indicate a larger problem.

The failed missile test had one spectacular failure which almost came back down on the launch pad but crashed harmlessly into the nearby ocean.  The missile tests closely followed China’s test flight of a new, large stealth fighter capable of striking Taiwan.


Seeking an overlapping consensus

My purpose in proposing the idea of a “constitutional consensus” is to get everyone talking about how to keep focused on Taiwan while steadily developing cross-strait relations. The idea is to replace the “one China” principle and establish an “overlapping constitutional consensus” within Taiwan. With respect to cross-strait relations, the goal is to replace the notion of “one China, with each side having its own interpretation” with “each side having its own constitutional interpretation.”


High Court upholds not guilty verdict for Chen

The Taiwan High Court yesterday acquitted former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) in an embezzlement case involving US$330,000 in secret diplomatic funds.

The Taipei District Court in June last year found Chen not guilty in the embezzlement case and the Taiwan High Court yesterday maintained the lower court’s ruling.


Sweeping Taiwan under the carpet

Briefing the press corps prior to a visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao (胡錦濤) to Washington this week, US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon made extra efforts to avoid mentioning Taiwan, leading some media to conclude that Taiwan perhaps would not be on the agenda.

At a time when Beijing’s political weight is in the ascendancy and that of the US is increasingly in question, the last thing Washington should do is send signals of weakness — and avoiding a topic, in the hope that somehow Beijing would forget, is just that.


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Protesters allegedly trying to break into the Ministry of Education building clash with police in Taipei early yesterday morning.
Photo: CNA

High-school student protesters and civic groups yesterday rallied outside the Ministry of Education building in Taipei, demanding the release of students arrested in the early hours of the morning after breaking into the complex.