Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Shooting not a case of mistaken identity, Lien says

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Central Committee member Sean Lien (連勝文) yesterday challenged prosecutors’ claims that the suspect in his shooting had targeted another person, but mistakenly shot him in the face.

The Banciao District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday announced it was indicting suspect Lin Cheng-wei (林正偉) — also known as “Horse Face” (馬面) — on manslaughter, attempted murder and other charges because he allegedly planned to shoot then-KMT city councilor candidate for New Taipei City (新北市) Chen Hung-yuan (陳鴻源) on the eve of the Nov. 27 special municipality elections because of a land dispute with Chen’s family.


Hu Jintao tells American business leaders that Taiwan belongs to China

Hu Jintao, leader of the People’s Republic of China, concluded his trip to Washington, D.C. with a speech to the U.S.-China Business Council following some no-nonsense sessions with Congressional leaders.

After the fawning reception of Hu by President Barack Obama, which included a formal state dinner at the White House, the Chinese ruler met with key Congressional leaders and got lectured about China’s dismal human rights record.


Barack Obama and Hu Jintao avoid Taiwan status despite protests

The fate of Taiwan is the largest issue in dispute between the United States and the People’s Republic of China.  Yet, like the proverbial elephant in the room, the future of the 23 million island residents was ignored by President Barack Obama and Premier Hu Jintao during Hu’s visit to Washington.

Had either world leader bothered to look out the White House windows during the Chinese leader’s state visit they would have seen on street outside noisy protesters defending human rights, Tibet, Chinese Uyghurs, and Taiwan.


Obama welcome to Hu Jintao contrasts with Congressional response to visit

President Barack Obama made sure Hu Jintao, head of the People’s Republic of China, felt welcome and made sure the communist nation’s flags were prominently on display on Washington, D.C. street signs and light poles.

However, protestors led by Tibetans, kept up efforts to show displeasure at the Chinese leader’s visit to the United States with three days of demonstrations.


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Hong Kong police chase down a couple wearing masks in Hong Kong’s Central district yesterday.
Photo: AFP

All subway and train services were suspended, lines formed at the cash machines of shuttered banks and shops were closed as Hong Kong dusted itself off yesterday and then started marching again after another night of rampaging violence decried as “a very dark day” by Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam (林鄭月娥).