Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

KMT Government Still Out of Step with Policies: What Does it Tell Us?

Taiwan has hundreds, perhaps thousands, of foreign students from a wide variety of foreign countries studying at its universities. These students come, take their classes, experience the country and go away richer. But now that the Ma government seeks to get Chinese students into Taiwan universities (some with greater benefits than Taiwanese themselves), all of a sudden problems arise on the horizon. Any self-respecting Taiwanese should therefore have a lot of questions to ask why its government right hand does not seem to know what the left is doing.


US downplays Taiwan before Hu visit

The US will try to keep Taiwan as far down the agenda as possible during Chinese President Hu Jintao’s (胡錦濤) three-day state visit to Washington this week.

During a lengthy White House briefing on the visit, US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon detailed the main topics to be covered during all of Hu’s talks with US President Barack Obama and never once mentioned Taiwan.


Preferential 18% interest rate is not defensible

In a situation where few can feel the economic recovery and where there is no growth either economically or in the employment rate, the 18 percent preferential interest rate on the savings of military personnel, civil servants and teachers merely serves to reinforce the feeling of unfairness and deprivation among the general public.

A political avalanche is in the making and it will bury the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) if it insists on supporting the 18 percent interest rate for these privileged groups.


Chen Shui-bian, Wu Shu-jen share moment in court

Despite the presence of judges, lawyers and dozens of spectators, former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) shared a quiet moment with his wife, Wu Shu-jen (吳淑珍), yesterday, the first since early last month.

The emotional get-together took place after both were called to the Taiwan High Court to answer questions in a retrial involving accusations that the former first couple embezzled secret diplomatic funds.


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Media activists yesterday urged the government to intervene to prevent politics from reaching into the press and controlling freedom of speech, saying that this freedom and the liberal media the nation has enjoyed over the past decades may be put at risk if Chinese capital gained control of the media.

The calls came amid reports that China Trust Charity Foundation chairman Jeffrey Koo Jr (辜仲諒) has asked Formosa Plastics Group (台塑集團) chairman William Wong (王文淵) and a Singapore-based equity fund to join him in buying Next Media Group’s (壹傳媒集團) four Taiwanese outlets: the Apple Daily, Next TV, Next Magazine and the Sharp Daily.