Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Building an ‘island of resilience’

On Wednesday morning last week, an earthquake off the east coast, measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale, was felt across the country, but Hualien County was hit the worst.

As of Sunday, 13 people have died and more than 1,000 have been injured.

The quake was almost as powerful as 1999’s devastating 921 Earthquake, making it the strongest to strike Taiwan in the past 25 years.

Taiwan’s geographical location is such that it experiences frequent earthquakes that cause losses to property and lives. By withstanding one such test after another, the government and society have learned and strengthened their resilience against disasters. For example, Taiwan has continually enhanced the earthquake resilience of buildings and infrastructure.


Freedom, democracy is in Taiwanese DNA

The values of freedom and democracy have been embedded in Taiwanese DNA, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said, adding that the nation would continue to stand with the alliance of democracies and be a force for good in the world.

Tsai made the remarks at a memorial commemorating the 35th anniversary of the death of democracy pioneer Deng Nan-jung (鄭南榕) in New Taipei City’s Jinbaoshan Cemetery yesterday.

Deng, who ran several dissident magazines, self-immolated on April 7, 1989 as authorities attempted to arrest him on charges of sedition.


Harsher treason sentences proposed

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers have proposed an amendment to toughen penalties for military officials found guilty of treason.

Current punishments are too lenient and do not serve as a deterrent, legislators told a meeting of the Legislative Yuan’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee yesterday, citing the case of former army colonel Hsiang Te-en (向德恩).

Hsiang was found guilty of accepting bribes and signing a letter of surrender swearing allegiance to the People’s Republic of China as his “motherland.” The Kaohsiung District Court in February last year sentenced him to seven-and-a-half years in prison and ordered him to pay NT$560,000, the equivalent of what he received in bribes.


Japan-Taiwan preparation lacking

Beginning long before I moved to Taipei in January, I have had multiple discussions on the various effects of a Chinese invasion on Taiwan for the people of this great country as well as the region as a whole. I have also had conversations about how the foreign community would respond in such a contingency.

A long-time Japanese resident in Taipei explained to me in detail the situation facing his compatriots here in Taiwan. With his permission, I am sharing it with readers. His comments appear in quotes, and I have added my analysis.

This commentary might be of reference to the citizens of other countries living here in Taiwan as well. Please note, it is not a call to flee in panic, but an appeal to mitigate risk and carefully prepare. The more that can be planned and prepared ahead of time the less chaos would occur that could negatively impact Taiwanese authorities.


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The recent hacking attacks targeting Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) officials and senior staff at Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) presidential campaign office could be Taiwan’s version of the Watergate scandal, a former official in charge of electronic communications for the government has said.

The DPP last week announced that the e-mail accounts of senior officials and staff at Tsai’s office had been hacked into and that confidential information had been stolen. In a press release, the party said that an investigation had traced the attacks back to IP addresses from Xinhua news agency bureaus in Beijing and Malaysia, addresses in Australia, as well as the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) in Taipei.