Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Consistency sacrifices adaptability

As global power plays escalate, the room for the island democracy to maneuver has grown narrower. The idea of the “status quo” often implies stability and immutability, but in the context of Taiwan, it is anything but static.

The “status quo” is a myth; it is a dynamic and volatile state of affairs requiring constant adjustment and recalibration. It is better conceptualized as a “zone,” akin to the catchy phrase “gray zone.” This zone must acknowledge the interests of China, Taiwan and the US, aiming to maintain peace without escalating into full-blown conflict.


Jointly resist China’s legal bullying

China’s Taiwan Affairs Office on June 21 issued “judicial guidelines on imposing criminal punishments” for “die-hard” supporters of Taiwanese independence, in collaboration with its Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of State Security and Ministry of Justice. It is based on its “Anti-Secession” Law, the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Criminal Procedure Law of the PRC.

The “guidelines” set out strict conviction and sentencing standards for “Taiwan independence” behavior. This new law is not only another step in China’s expansion, but also shows its extreme stance on the Taiwan issue.


Amendments harm constitutional order: lawyers

Lawyers representing four parties that filed for an injunction and a constitutional interpretation of the amendments expanding the legislature’s powers yesterday urged the Constitutional Court to approve the injunction, saying the changes would damage the constitutional order.

The court began preliminary hearings on the injunction.

The Legislative Yuan passed the amendments on May 28 and promulgated them on June 26. It was followed by a historic first in which the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) legislative caucus, the Executive Yuan, President William Lai (賴清德) and the Control Yuan all filed for a ruling on their constitutionality.


Potential infiltration is concerning

The Liberty Times (sister paper of the Taipei Times), and other news media have carried reports about a Taiwanese political talk show being “shadowed” by “red” (Chinese communist) media.

The reports say that a correspondent of China’s state-run Xinhua news agency in Taiwan sat in the TV studio and monitored the production of the program.

They say that Xinhua had a significant influence on the TV station’s political talk show, including the themes and scenarios of discussions, and that the guests and pundits invited to the program were picked or vetted by the Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) of the Chinese State Council.


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Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) president Mark Kao (高龍榮) on Friday criticized President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) for “surreptitiously moving Taiwan towards closer political linkages with China.”

In a strongly worded statement, Kao said that FAPA and 31 other Taiwanese-American organizations wrote to Ma last month about the renaming of the Overseas Compatriots Affairs Commission (OCAC) and they had received “no adequate response.”