Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Biden must follow up on Taiwan

Until the administration of US President Donald Trump, Washington had always been of two minds regarding Taiwan’s importance to US national interest.

In the post-World War II period, when Taiwan was controlled by Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石), a US ally, but a harsh dictator, then-US president Harry Truman’s administration saw no need to get in a war with China over the nation.

In 1949 and 1950, speeches by US General Douglas MacArthur and then-US secretary of state Dean Acheson excluded Taiwan (and South Korea) from the US Pacific defense perimeter, and the US Navy was removed from the Taiwan Strait and nearby waters.


Farmers’ association paid in yuan: DPP

Shueili Borough Warden Chen Kuei-you, third left, and Democratic Progressive Party Nantou County chapter member Tseng Tsung-kai, center, take part in a news conference in Nantou County yesterday calling attention to a local farmers’ association paying its members in Chinese yuan.
Photo: Chang Hsieh-sheng, Taipei Times

Nantou County’s Lugu Township (鹿谷) Farmers’ Association paid its members in Chinese currency twice in 2017, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) said yesterday.


PRC propaganda unrelenting: report

An undated photograph shows the logo of the Institute for National Defense and Security Research in Taipei.
Photo: Aaron Tu, Taipei Times

Beijing will persist in its disinformation campaign against Taiwan, the Institute for National Defense and Security Research said in its latest report on Chinese political and military developments.


Help China end communist rule

When US president-elect Joe Biden takes over from US President Donald Trump, he must confront a complex and daunting China problem.

However, Trump’s team also leave Biden a simple — although not easy — China solution: Take the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) out of the equation.

Well before China unleashed the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trump administration was moving toward a confrontation with the People’s Republic in the realm of information warfare. Beijing has waged the ideological component of “Cold War II” for decades without a serious response from the US, until now.


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Laid-off workers planning a New Year’s Eve “Occupy MRT Station” protest tonight stand at a platform on the Taipei Main Station MRT stop on Saturday to apologize in advance for the inconvenience that their planned protest is expected to cause to commuters.
Photo: CNA

Hundreds of university students and workers are to “celebrate” New Year’s Eve today in Taipei by protesting against President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration as others participate in year-end festivities and countdowns.

Members and supporters of the Youth Alliance Against Media Monsters are planning to stage an overnight sit-in protest today at Liberty Square to urge the government to reject the controversial Next Media Group deal.