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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Virus Outbreak: Doctor treating COVID patients infected

Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung takes part in a news conference at the Central Epidemic Command Center in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The first case of a doctor contracting COVID-19 after treating an infected patient was one of two locally transmitted cases and two imported cases reported by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday.


Pompeo leaves Biden a parting gift

In a statement that came as a shock to many, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday announced the immediate annulment of all “self-imposed” guidelines on US executive relations with Taiwan, which he said Washington took “unilaterally, in an attempt to appease the Communist regime in Beijing.”

It could be the most sweeping advancement in Taiwan-US ties in decades. No longer would officials need to meet in “private meeting rooms or restaurants,” or avoid references to a Taiwanese country or government. High-level personnel could attend official events, including Double Ten National Day celebrations.


Considering Chen Shui-bian’s legacy: A personal assessment

Lately I have been mulling over the checkered career of Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), former Mayor of Taipei and President of Taiwan, who subsequently spent 6+ years in jail after being convicted of corruption. I was a witness to some of this, and have studied President Chen’s career over the years. While recognizing that I am treading on sensitive political ground, I will attempt here to parse out the key phases, in an attempt to make sense of this controversial political figure’s career.


Moving capital is people’s choice

Lawmakers on Monday said that plans to move the legislature to Taichung were still being considered, but experts have raised concerns about the logistics.

Such a move has been discussed since at least 2004. In 2012, Minister of Transportation and Communications Lin Chia-lung (林佳龍) — who was a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator at the time — called for Taichung to be made the nation’s second capital.

Lin said that moving the Legislative Yuan would better balance national development and allow the land occupied by the legislature in Taipei to return to being a school, its original purpose.


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More than half of US respondents in a poll considered protecting Taiwan more important than maintaining good relations with China, a survey conducted by The Economist and YouGov showed.

The poll conducted from Feb. 25 to Tuesday last week asked 1,500 adult US citizens questions about the US’ role amid rising tensions between Taiwan and China.

Fifty-one percent of the respondents said it is more important for the US “to take a strong stand so that China does not take over Taiwan by force,” while 24 percent preferred “the US to maintain good relations with China.”