Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

China and US lay down ‘red lines’

Communist China’s Global Times warned US President Joe Biden in the first week of this month that he “should make a significant response to China’s sincerity within his first 100 days, as the sincerity and patience will not last forever.”

In fact, they lasted only days. By the end of the week, Beijing had laid down the law, so to speak, to the Biden administration. First was a speech billed as a “Dialogue with National Committee on US-China Relations,” by Yang Jiechi (楊潔篪), director of China’s Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs.


Using the chip sector as leverage

The global automotive industry is on the cusp of a new era of competition that is expected to force established manufacturers and new players within the industry to fundamentally rethink their business models. Success or failure is likely to be determined by two key technologies: energy source and artificial intelligence (AI) chips.

First, energy. Whether looked at from the perspective of environmental factors, green energy or efficiency, electric vehicles are to become mainstream during the 21st century. Whether they are to be built around hydrogen fuel cells or use rechargeable or swappable battery cells as their primary source of propulsion is impossible to say for certain, although history tells us that the most advanced technology might not be the one that enters common use.


More than 200 march in Taipei in memory of 228

Participants hold a banner and signs at a march in Taipei yesterday to commemorate the 228 Incident.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

More than 200 people yesterday marched in Taipei ahead of the 74th anniversary of the 228 Incident.


Changing the discourse on Taiwan

As a nation that touts democracy as one of its chief values, the US has always suffered from a slow learning curve on nationalistic self-determination and democratic development in Asia, particularly in Taiwan. As T.S. Eliot said in his poem The Hollow Men: “Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act, falls the shadow.”

Why? The quick and obvious excuse is that the US began as eurocentric. In its early, formative history, all settlements and subsequent colonies were on its east coast, and settlers and later immigrants came primarily from European nations, eg. England, France, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands.


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Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung, who heads the Central Epidemic Command Center, speaks at a press conference in Taipei yesterday afternoon.
Photo: CNA

The Central Epidemic Command Center yesterday confirmed a fifth case of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection, urging people returning from China to cooperate with quarantine officers conducting health checks in airports.