Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Judicial corruption demands action

Were it not for the Control Yuan, the massive judicial scandal involving allegations of corruption by former Supreme Court judge Shih Mu-chin (石木欽) and Chia Her Industrial president Weng Mao-chung (翁茂鍾) would have remained buried deep in multiple “black boxes.”

However, there is another important aspect to the story that is worthy of attention.


Memorial to Chen Wen-chen dedicated

National Taiwan University president Kuan-Chung-ming, center, and guests attend the opening ceremony of the Dr Chen Wen-chen Incident Memorial Square at the university in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: George Tsorng, Taipei Times

A memorial in honor of democracy advocate Chen Wen-chen (陳文成) was officially inaugurated yesterday, as dignitaries and family members commemorated the mathematician who died under mysterious circumstances during the White Terror era.


No need to skimp on virus tests

When reporters at a recent news conference asked Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) why Taiwan’s nucleic acid test for diagnosing COVID-19 is 19 times more expensive than China’s version, he said: “The reason is that our test is more accurate.”

Beijing was not going to let such an “impudent” remark go unpunished and China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) spokeswoman Zhu Fenglian (朱鳳蓮) duly took the matter up in the following TAO news conference, pointedly referring to Taiwan’s minister of health and welfare as simply “that man.”


CECC reports one new imported case

Soldiers from the 6th Army Command 33rd Chemical Corps and workers from the Taoyuan City Government Epidemic Prevention and Sterilization Squad prepare for a visit by President Tsai Ing-wen yesterday in Taoyuan.
Photo: Ann Wang, Reuters

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday reported one imported case of COVID-19 — a Taiwanese man who had contracted the virus in Japan and tested negative several times before returning to Taiwan, before testing positive again.


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Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) did not receive a fair trial and could be seen as a de facto political prisoner, a fact-finding mission sent by a Taiwanese-American organization concluded in its preliminary findings after a two-week investigation in Taiwan.

The way Chen, who is serving an 18-and-a-half-year sentence for corruption and is currently in hospital receiving medical treatment for various ailments, has been treated in prison and the way his trial was handled have not been seen even in some dictatorships, the two-member mission told the Taipei Times in an interview.