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VIRUS OUTBREAK: Mass testing ‘could swamp the system’

Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung speaks at a Central Epidemic Command Center news briefing in Taipei on Wednesday.
Photo provided by the Central Epidemic Command Center via CNA

Mass testing for COVID-19 on all travelers arriving in Taiwan could overwhelm the nation’s healthcare system, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said yesterday as it reported a new confirmed case, a Taiwanese who had returned from Mexico.


USS ‘Mustin’ transits Taiwan Strait after Japan drill

The USS Mustin of the US Seventh Fleet sails southward through the Taiwan Strait on Tuesday.
Photo: Screen grab from Facebook

The Ministry of National Defense and the US Seventh Fleet yesterday confirmed that the USS Mustin sailed through the Taiwan Strait on Tuesday, while a Twitter page that frequently shares military movements said that a US Army Bombardier Challenger 650 passed through Taiwan’s eastern airspace.


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A nuclear-propelled US submarine has arrived in South Korea in the second deployment of a major US naval asset to the Korean Peninsula this month, South Korea’s military said yesterday, adding to the allies’ show of force to counter North Korean nuclear threats.

The USS Annapolis arrived at a port on Jeju Island about a week after the USS Kentucky docked at the mainland port of Busan.

The Kentucky was the first US nuclear-armed submarine to visit South Korea since the 1980s. North Korea reacted to its arrival by test-firing ballistic and cruise missiles in apparent demonstrations that it could make nuclear strikes against South Korea and deployed US naval vessels.