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US, Taiwan reshaping supply chains: AIT

From left, Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu, American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Director Brent Christensen and National Communictions Commission Chairman Chen Yaw-shyang hold signed copies of a joint declaration on 5G security at the 5G Policy Forum organized by the AIT yesterday in Taipei.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

The US is working with Taiwan to restructure global supply chains under the shared values of transparency and accountability, American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Director Brent Christensen said, according to a transcript released by AIT yesterday.


Two political persecution victims exonerated

Vice President William Lai, right, presents certificates of exoneration to family members of Liao Li-chuan and Voyue Tosku second — two victims of political persecution during the White Terror era — at a news in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

The Transitional Justice Commission yesterday exonerated Voyue Tosku (杜孝生) and Liao Li-chuan (廖麗川) — two victims of political persecution during the White Terror era — at a ceremony at the Executive Yuan.


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Control Yuan members, left to right, Tsai Chung-yi, Chen Shih-meng and Wang Yu-ling talk to the media after the Control Yuan passed a motion to impeach National Taiwan University president Kuan Chung-ming yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The Control Yuan yesterday voted seven to four to impeach National Taiwan University (NTU) president Kuan Chung-ming (管中閔) for allegedly breaching the Civil Servant Work Act (公務員服務法) by writing opinion pieces for the Chinese-language Next Magazine (壹週刊) while serving as minister without portfolio.