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China uses Web stars for infiltration

The title and logo of the Mainland Affairs Council are pictured on a podium at the council’s offices in Taipei in an undated photograph.
Photo: Chung Li-hua, Taipei Times

China’s “united front” efforts targeting Taiwan are ubiquitous, and include the employment of Internet celebrities to carry out infiltration campaigns on social media, members of the Mainland Affairs Council’s (MAC) Advisory Committee said yesterday.


Poll finds 62.6% identify as Taiwanese

Taiwan Thinktank deputy executive-general Doong Sy-chi presents the findings of a poll on constitutional amendments and national identity in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Tu Chien-jung, Taipei Times

Only 2 percent of respondents to a poll on constitutional amendments and national identity identified as Chinese, while 62.6 percent identified as Taiwanese, the Taiwan Thinktank said yesterday.


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Former president Chen Shui-bian’s mother, Chen Li Shen, center, yesterday weeps at a press conference at the Democratic Progressive Party’s office in Greater Tainan as she urged the government to release her son from prison on compassionate grounds.
Photo: CNA

Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) is to apply to the Ministry of Justice for medical parole after his latest examination showed that his deteriorating state of health meets the criteria for medical parolees, his son, Chen Chih-chung (陳致中), said yesterday, even though the ministry on Monday had denied that his condition meets the requirements for such a parole.