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Internet users mock WHO for censorship

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus attends a session of the WHO Executive Board in Geneva, Switzerland, on Oct. 5.

Facebook users yesterday flooded the WHO’s social media page with creative expressions of support after discovering that the page was blocking comments that mentioned Taiwan, days after representatives to the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, Switzerland, were cut off for voicing support for the nation’s participation.


Justice commission reveals extent of KMT surveillance

Relatives of victims of the Martial Law era speak at an event organized by the Transitional Justice Commission in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Lin Cheng-kung, Taipei Times

The Transitional Justice Commission yesterday presented a sixth batch of declassified Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) records at a forum in Taipei, with the contents showing abuse of power and violations of human rights extending up until the year 2000.


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People lay flowers yesterday during a memorial service for victims of the 228 Massacre at the National 228 Memorial Museum in Taipei. The service was organized by Taiwan 228 Incident Care Association and the Memorial Foundation of 228.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Taiwan 228 Incident Care Association director-general Pan Hsin-hsing (潘信行) yesterday called for the establishment of a privately run transitional justice promotion committee to monitor the state-run nine-member transitional justice promotion committee, which could begin operations this month.