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Home Editorials of Interest Jerome F. Keating's writings

Jerome F. Keating's writings

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# Article Title Author Hits
81 Hong Kong's Moment of Crisis and Failed Promises Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1384
82 ‘Princeling’ Lien unfit to be mayor Jerome Keating 639
83 Two anomalies troubling Taiwan Jerome Keating 573
84 Is it time to dump the name ROC? Jerome Keating 561
85 Odor of totalitarianism palls Taipei Jerome Keating 610
86 China’s centuries of humiliation Jerome Keating 638
87 Who could be ‘Taiwan’s Russia’? Jerome Keating 622
88 Ma looks after China’s self-interest Jerome Keating 537
89 From Confucius to "Animal Farm," the Hong Kong and Taiwan Experience Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1420
90 Democracy is Taiwan’s salvation Jerome Keating 550
91 Sovereignty belongs to Taiwanese Jerome Keating 546
92 Judges in the Lin Yi-shih Case Try a Smoke and Mirrors Dodg Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1098
93 Taiwan's Challenge in Living Next to a Covetous Giant Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1369
94 China Will Have to Learn to Talk to Taiwan's DPP in the Future Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1372
95 Hsu Hsin-liang, Just Who Supports This Guy?? Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1376
96 Taiwan: Curious Questions, Why the Secrecy on Ma's Daughter's Marriage Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1147
97 Taiwan and Chinese Taipei??? Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1256
98 Taiwan Commemorates 2-28 When the KMT Began to Seriously Enforce its One-Party State Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1262
99 Jan 13 Protest Brings Out the Crowds But Even More Trouble Looms on the Horizon Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1068
100 Ma Ying-jeou's Cabinet Reshuffle: Ah-Q's Last Stand? Jerome F. Keating Ph.D. 1492
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A US think tank has published a report based on the possibility that China might attempt a military takeover of Taiwan in less than 10 years time. Such a takeover is one of the “principal strategic challenges” the US could confront in the coming decades, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) said.

The paper is aimed at pushing the Pentagon and Congress into discussion and debate on possible longer-term military crises as they decide what weapons systems to buy.