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Home Editorials of Interest Jerome F. Keating's writings

Jerome F. Keating's writings

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# Article Title Author Hits
61 A timely calling of China’s bluff Jerome Keating 750
62 US can learn a lot from Taiwan Jerome Keating 689
63 Elections, history and cyclical views Jerome Keating 707
64 Taiwan, the US and a free press Jerome Keating 813
65 Chiang Kai-shek’s Ah-Q and KMT Jerome Keating 813
66 Presidents and the will of the people Jerome Keating 866
67 Taiwan’s Aboriginal past, identity Jerome Keating 646
68 Why the sky did not fall on Taiwan Jerome Keating 616
69 China wants to drag Taiwan down Jerome Keating 642
70 Democracy and Taiwan’s identity Jerome Keating 594
71 Ma’s failure to accept democracy Jerome Keating 628
72 Taiwan, fascist China and the UN Jerome Keating 703
73 The KMT’s wartime conundrum Jerome Keating 537
74 Dispelling the ‘1992 consensus’ lie Jerome Keating 633
75 Merit and vision in a democracy Jerome Keating 568
76 Appeasement, kowtowing or peace Jerome Keating 665
77 Time running out for Ma spin team Jerome Keating 627
78 Chinese reform is doomed to fail Jerome Keating 604
79 Taiwan must develop self-reliance Jerome Keating 532
80 Taiwan must assert itself in poll Jerome Keating 546
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Amid continuing controversy over the “September political strife,” a number of legal experts yesterday issued a joint statement accusing President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) of using his status as the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) chairman to bypass the constitutional boundaries of presidential authority.

The statement, titled President Ma overstepping the constitutional red line: A group of legal academics’ collective opinions on the president’s interference in the self-disciplined legislature, was endorsed by a 36 legal specialists, including National Taiwan University law professors Yen Chueh-an (顏厥安) and Chang Wen-chen (張文貞).