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Home Articles Diaxde Volunteers

Diaxde Volunteers

$100,000 per Barrel Oil

Please note that this is only an interesting thought experiment to illustrate the huge potential for oil’s price escalation.


  1. Every percentage change of supply (while holding demand constant) or demand (while holding supply constant) results in roughly a 10 to 30 percent change in price. I heard that this tends to be the experience of long time commodities traders. Citation welcomed. But given that both the price elasticity of demand and supply for oil is very inelastic, this assumption sounds reasonable.


When USSR Disintegration Meets Japan's Lost Decade

In one word – China.

The recent international media's reporting on suicides and labor unrest at the 400,000 employee Foxconn factory near Shenzhen got me thinking. Here are some gathered notes and musings:


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Excerpts of a document uploaded by a member of the Taiwan National Treasure project to its Facebook page are shown in an undated photograph.
Photo courtesy of Taiwan National Treasure

A group of US-based activists has started searching the official archives of the US government and the UN for Taiwanese historical materials to publish them for free on the Internet.