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Diaxde Volunteers

Making Statements, Making Histories

The history of the Olympic Games is full of boycotts.  To call such actions “politicizing” the Games may not be fully accurate.  We at Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation and Taiwan February 28th Movement Net Radio would like to point out that many of these boycotts are justified.  They were carried out in order to make a statement about democracy and equality.  The ancient Greeks, who conceived the Olympics and who were also pioneers of democracy and democratic ideology, might actually be proud of such actions!


The Danger of Paxism

During the Roman Empire, the Romans came up with a Latin word: “Pax.”  On-line dictionary defines this vocabulary as:


1.      (Ecclesiastical in bible) Kiss of peace.

2.      (with initial capital letter) A period in history marked by the absence of major wars, usually imposed by a pre-dominant nation.


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Despite the government’s posturing about its success in cross-strait and foreign policies, Washington is concerned about President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) linear approach, a national security expert said yesterday.

Liu Shih-chung (劉世忠), a researcher at the Taiwan Brain Trust think tank and a former aide to former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), said Chen’s “zigzag” strategy made him unpredictable in ­setting policy during his two terms in office.